
Rooted in the common good, we aspire to be a compassionate moral compass for San Mateo County.

The Peninsula Solidarity Cohort is a coalition of diverse faith leaders taking collective action for the common good.

Actions & Accomplishments

Through our actions, we are showing up for racial and economic justice across San Mateo County.

Sessions & Presentations

Providing faith leaders with the knowledge and tools to engage their faith communities in justice advocacy. 

Matters of Justice

We take an intersectional approach to social and ecological justice in our community.

I am more appreciative of coalition building and collaboration outside my denominational pond. Love that it’s interfaith. Some ecumenical clergy groups where I’ve worked just talk. This group also supports action.

On January 20, more than 30 diverse faith organizations and community groups came together to read Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King’s Letter from a Birmingham Jail.

Our MLK Day readers

Recent Activity

We work for racial and economic justice across San Mateo County through actions such as speaking up at City Council and County Board of Supervisors’ meetings, leading protests, holding press conferences, and through letters and opinion pieces in local papers.  

  • Community reading for Martin Luther King, Jr Day
  • Press Conference for Affordable Housing on Faith Lands Act 
  • Vigil for reproductive justice
  • Public comment at the Board of Supervisors’ study session on Sheriff’s Office oversight
  • AAPI Task Force conference with San Mateo Police Department
  • Collaboration with Interfaith Movement for Human Integrity on closure of detention centers

Featured Presentation

We build a “shared analysis” by delving into social injustices in our monthly sessions, with presentations by experts in the field and personal testimonies by people directly impacted.

Through powerful personal stories from his own justice ministry, Pastor Mike McBride, Lead Pastor at The Way Christian Center and Director of Faith in Action’s Live Free Campaign, speaks about how justice work transforms those of us who engage in it.

I had felt alone in justice and equality work on the Peninsula, but midway through the first year of the cohort, I felt like I had a whole team of people speaking in a moral voice. When the county supervisor and our local congresswoman thanked me for the faith leaders being a ‘moral compass’ for our county, I knew that the cohort had been transformational beyond my imagination.  I am so thankful for my colleagues and my deepening relationships with each of them.  We have truly built a powerful ‘faith platform’ in our county. We have seen the power of our leadership and we are making a difference.