LGBTQI+ Rights
We work to advance the full rights and inclusion of LGBTQ+ people in San Mateo County.

Working Group
Terri Echelbarger
- Iain Stanford
- Susan Holland
- Brian Ferguson
- Diane Fahrner
- Nani Friedman
- Ben Meyers
- Michael Cronin
- Letter to City Council of Foster City regarding Pride Flag
- Transgender Day Of Remembrance
- TransAction Day of Change
- Several cohort members formed “Faith Partners supporting Coast Pride Center”
Editorials from the Cohort in the San Mateo Daily Journal.
- Clergy Support Transgender Day of Awareness 11/10/21
- The Blessing of Being Gay 6/11/21
Sessions & Presentations
Cohort sessions with a focus on LGBTQI+ rights include the following:
- Inter-religious diversity and LGBTQI language with Dawn Neal and Teri Echelbarger
- Presentation of LGBTQ Survey Results with Teri Echelbarger